WoTD #1

Interesting words of the day #1

1. Ephemeral (ih-FEM-er-uhl)

Definition: Lasting for a very short time.


  • The ephemeral nature of a rainbow makes it all the more beautiful.
  • Her joy was ephemeral, fading quickly after the exciting news.
  • The fashion trends this year are so ephemeral; they change almost weekly.

2. Iridescent (ih-rih-DES-uhnt)

Definition: Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.


  • The iridescent wings of the butterfly shimmered in the sunlight, displaying a spectrum of colors.
  • She wore an iridescent dress that caught everyone's eye at the party, changing from green to purple as she moved.
  • The new phone case features an iridescent finish that makes it stand out with its ever-changing colors.

3. Ebullient (ih-BUL-yuhnt)

Definition: Cheerful and full of energy.


  • The ebullient crowd cheered as the band took the stage.
  • Her ebullient spirit was contagious, lifting everyone’s mood.
  • He gave an ebullient speech that left everyone feeling inspired.

4. Evanescent (eh-vuh-NES-uhnt)

Definition: Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.


  • The evanescent beauty of the morning mist was gone as soon as the sun rose.
  • Certain subatomic particles are evanescent, existing for only a fraction of a second before decaying.
  • He pondered the evanescent nature of happiness, realizing how fleeting joyful moments can be.

5. Serendipity (seh-ren-DIP-ih-tee)

Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.


  • The discovery of the new medication was pure serendipity, as scientists stumbled upon its effects while researching something else.
  • Our trip was filled with moments of serendipity, like finding a charming little cafe off the beaten path that became our favorite spot.
  • Running into an old friend at the airport was a wonderful serendipity, and we spent hours catching up while waiting for our flights.